Friday, March 7, 2008

portland posts

i am thinking that guy is the real deal. i mean, the picture of him and the baby pretty much seals it

1 comment:

Michael Serra said...

I went to his website and he seems pretty legitimate. I mean, look what Jesus has to say about him:

"I doubted his methods. But the Rev. Brian has some interesting ideas."
-Jesus H. Christ

Here are his ten guidelines.

1. Don't watch TV

2. Don't eat junk food

3. Don't drink alcohol (with the exception of wine)

4. Don't do drugs

5. Don't masturbate more than once a day

6. Don't buy anything from China

7. Don't fly in airplanes

8. Don't read books about Buddhism

9. Don't drink coffee

10. Don't go on the Internet

It looks like I wouldn't make it in this religion because of google and yuengling.